.. include:: global.rst Changelog ========= All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. `3.0.1`_ -- 2023-09-25 ----------------------- Fix ^^^^^ * Add dependency to attrs library `3.0.0`_ -- 2023-09-19 ----------------------- Breaking changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * The only runtime breaking change is that `Message` and `Result` are no longer named tuples, but attrs frozen classes. Other breaking changes only concern the typing system. * `Actor` is no longer a generic of the function it wraps, but it uses PEP 612 parameter specification variables. .. code-block:: python @actor def add(a: int, b: int) -> int: return a + b # previously `add` was Actor[Callable[[int, int], int]] # now it's Actor[[int, int], int] # and Actor[Callable[..., int]] becomes Actor[..., int] We'll elaborate on the benefits of this approach later. Many classes become generic: * `Message` is now generic of the result that it generates. * `Result` is now generic of the value that it holds. * `CollectionResult` is now generic of the type of the child values that it contains * `pipeline` is generic of the type of the result of the last item in the pipeline * `group` is generic of the type of the result of its children .. code-block:: python @actor def add(a: int, b: int) -> int: return a + b add.message(1, 2) # This is now Message[Result[int]] add.message(1, 2).result # this is now Result[int] pipeline(message(1, 2), message(1)) # this is now pipeline[Result[int]] group(message(1, 2), message(1)) # this is now group[Result[int]] * pipeline now expects to receive a `tuple` as an input. It used to only expect an iterable. At runtime, passing a list will still work but it will generate errors if you use a type checker. The benefits of this approach will be explained below. Enhancements of the type system ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The changes presented above allow us to have various enhancements in the type system: * previously calling an actor synchronously could be made without any typechecking on the args ans kwargs passed to it. This is no longer possible and the args and kwargs passed are expected to the be the same as the ones defined in the underlying function. .. code-block:: python @actor def add(a: int, b: int) -> int: return a + b add(1, "2") # this is now an error * Type checkers can now infer the type of the result of a single message, a group or a pipeline. .. code-block:: python @actor(store_results=True) def add(x: int, y: int) -> int: return x + y @actor(store_results=True) def _print(x: str) -> None: print(x) @actor(store_results=True) def stop(x: Any) -> None: return result = add.message(1, 2).result.get() # inferred type is Result[int] # inferred type is Generator[int, None, None] results = group([add.message(1, x) for x in range(10)]).results.get() # It also works if tasks are heterogeneous. Inferred type here is Generator[Union[int, None], None, None] results = group([add.message(1, 2), _print.message("hello")]).results.get() # inferred type is int result = pipeline((add.message(1, 2), add.message(1))).result.get() # This works even with complex pipelines # pyright can infer that this will return Result[None] # mypy in its development version can do the same # but current stable version infers this as Never reveal_type(pipeline((_print.message("a"), _print.message(), stop.message())).result) `2.1.0`_ -- 2023-09-08 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * worker: do workerThread logging in a middleware to be able to override its behavior `2.0.0`_ -- 2023-07-20 ----------------------- Breaking changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * update pydantic dependency from <2 to >=2.0 (only for remoulade[pydantic]) `1.2.4`_ -- 2023-07-03 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * sqlalchemy: add future=True in init PostgresBackend `1.2.3`_ -- 2023-06-09 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * PostgresBackend: add pool_pre_ping=True as pessimistic approach for SQL connections `1.2.2`_ -- 2023-05-23 ----------------------- Fix ^^^^^ * PydanticEncoder return value encoding `1.2.1`_ -- 2023-05-17 ----------------------- Fix ^^^^^ * PydanticEncoder accept None as return value `1.2.0`_ -- 2023-05-17 ----------------------- Fix ^^^^^ * Adjust package version with pypi. This version add no changes. `1.1.2`_ -- 2023-05-17 ----------------------- Fix ^^^^^ * Make Pydantic imports not mandatory `1.1.1`_ -- 2023-05-17 ----------------------- Fix ^^^^^ * Make Pydantic imports not mandatory `1.1.0`_ -- 2023-05-16 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * add actor name in the BackendResult result * Create Pydantic encoder `1.0.1`_ -- 2023-05-11 ----------------------- Fix ^^^ * group: fix `cancel_on_error` option `1.0.0`_ -- 2023-05-04 ----------------------- Breaking changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * update redis dependency from 3.5 to 4.5 `0.60.0`_ -- 2023-04-26 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * actor: Type send/message/send_with_options/message_with_options typing * current_message: fix return type `0.59.0`_ -- 2023-04-06 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * sqlalchemy: make sqlalchemy1.4 suitable to 2.0 `0.58.0`_ -- 2023-03-02 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * redis/result: group get result in one redis pipeline `0.57.0`_ -- 2023-03-02 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * middleware/pipeline: added `increase_priority_on_retry` actor option `0.56.0`_ -- 2023-02-06 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * cli: added a --termination-timeout argument `0.55.0`_ -- 2023-01-25 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * result: add an async_get method * state/backend: add an async_get_result method on ResultBackend `0.54.2`_ -- 2022-08-10 ----------------------- Fix ^^^ * worker: add a limit to the logged extra when the message fails `0.54.1`_ -- 2022-08-10 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * state/backend: put back StubStateBackend `0.54.0`_ -- 2022-08-09 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * state/backend: put back RedisStateBackend `0.53.0`_ -- 2022-07-26 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * middleware/pipeline: propagate trace context (if any) to the next element in pipe_target `0.52.0`_ -- 2022-07-26 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * middleware/age_limit: add AgeLimitException and raise it if max_age is exceeded `0.51.0`_ -- 2022-06-29 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * middleware/pipeline: add pipe_on_error actor option to send errors/exception to next actor `0.50.1`_ -- 2022-06-27 ----------------------- Fix ^^^ * Group completion: initialize variable to prevent exception `0.50.0`_ -- 2022-05-06 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * middleware: add an extra_default_middleware array for middleware that need to be instantiated before any broker exists `0.49.0`_ -- 2022-04-28 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * middleware: add remove_middleware method `0.48.1`_ -- 2022-04-28 ----------------------- Fixed ^^^^^ * logging: fix logging level when retrying store_result `0.48.0`_ -- 2022-04-06 ----------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * redis: add retry to get_result by default `0.47.0`_ -- 2022-04-05 ----------------------- Changed ^^^^^ * compositions: transaction parameter becomes optional to use default broker one by default Added ^^^^^ * RabbitMQ: add group_transaction parameter to use transaction for pipelines and group * RabbitMQ: do not use confirm_delivery during transaction `0.46.2`_ -- 2022-03-29 ----------------------- Fix ^^^ * Group completion: use ttl from message `0.46.1`_ -- 2022-03-28 ----------------------- Fixed ^^^^^ * apisepc: validate only if request is actually json and not empty. * tests: test_rabbitmq_cli: use test rabbitmq_broker instead of real rabbitmq broker. `0.46.0`_ -- 2022-03-28 ----------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * Test python 3.10 and improve linters. * Remove deprectaed python 3.6 syntax. Added ^^^^^ * Services: rabbitmq, redis, postgresql URL can be specified through env vars. * Add dockerfile for composition example and auto build it. `0.45.0`_ -- 2022-03-16 ----------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * Remove support for python 3.6 Added ^^^^^ * RabbitMQ: add transactions support `0.44.0`_ -- 2022-03-15 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * RabbitMQ: pass delivery confirmation as message option and actor option `0.43.4`_ -- 2022-03-14 ----------------------- Fixed ^^^^^ * RabbitMQ: revert delivery_mode to 2 by default `0.43.3`_ -- 2022-03-14 ----------------------- Fixed ^^^^^ * RabbitMQ: make delivery_mode configurable (set to 1 by default) `0.43.2`_ -- 2022-03-10 ----------------------- Fixed ^^^^^ * RedisCancelBackend: consider the message as not cancelled if error while connection to redis `0.43.1`_ -- 2022-03-02 ----------------------- Fixed ^^^^^ * RabbitMQ: check message confirmation when confirm_delivery=True * dependencies: allow for bigger flask version `0.43.0`_ -- 2022-02-02 ----------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * Prometheus: add option use_default_prometheus_label and DEFAULT_LABEL to reduce cardinality * Prometheus: only declare metrics for actors which are executed by the worker `0.42.6`_ -- 2021-12-09 ----------------------- Fixed ^^^^^ * local: do not catch errors in execution `0.42.5`_ -- 2021-11-19 ----------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * redis: fix completed_count when no message `0.42.4`_ -- 2021-11-09 ----------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * retry: change log warning message when a message will not be retried due to its retry_when option to be more explicit `0.42.3`_ -- 2021-11-09 ----------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * api: /messages/requeue route is now POST instead of GET * api: /messages/requeue route will now return 400 status code if there is a State middleware and the given id does not match any message's id * api: trying to enqueue a message or add or update a scheduled job with an actor name that doesn't match an existing actor's name will return a 400 status code * state: renamed get_states and get_states_count argument selected_ids to selected_message_ids * state: add a selected_composition_ids to get_states and get_states_count to filter * api: passing a timezone aware datetime in a job will now return a 400 status code `0.42.2`_ -- 2021-11-05 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^^^ * api: add swagger to the api `0.42.1`_ -- 2021-10-29 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * broker: add all relevant events to the local broker `0.42.0`_ -- 2021-10-28 ----------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * cancel: when any message of a composition fails with cancel_on_error set to True, the whole composition will now be canceled * compositions: cancel_on_error can now be set on a pipeline as well by passing it to the constructor `0.41.1`_ -- 2021-10-28 ----------------------- Fixed ^^^^^ * state: fix sorting by column in Postgres Backend get_states Changed ^^^^^^^ * api : removed the possibility of sorting states by args, kwargs and options in /messages/states route `0.41.0`_ -- 2021-10-22 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * compositions: add a composition id to messages to identify which pipeline or group they belong to. * state : the state middleware and api will no longer return incomplete compositions Removed ^^^^^^^ * state: removed stub and redis backends `0.40.2`_ -- 2021-09-29 ----------------------- Fixed ^^^^^ * api: Fixed scheduler api schema `0.40.1`_ -- 2021-09-29 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * states: Added queue_name to states `0.40.0`_ -- 2021-09-29 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * api: Add new routes to create, update and delete scheduled jobs `0.39.3`_ -- 2021-09-21 ----------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * state: the 'Pending' state will now be saved before enqueueing instead of after. If the enqueue fails, the state will be marked as failed after the enqueueing. `0.39.2`_ -- 2021-09-20 ----------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * middleware: when adding a middleware to a broker that already has a middleware of this type, it will now replace the middleware. `0.39.1`_ -- 2021-09-17 ----------------------- Fixed ^^^^^ * states: states data will no longer be deleted on Postgres State Backend initialisation when database is already in correct version `0.39.0`_ -- 2021-09-16 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * state: add new Postgres State Backend * compose: add new docker-compose file to easily run all the services necessary to remoulade * api: add new /messages/states DELETE route to delete states from the Postgres State Backend * api: add new arguments to /messages/states and /groups route to filter results by actor, status, id, start_datetime and end_datetime with Postgres State Backend. Changed ^^^^^^^ * api: change /messages/states and /groups routes from GET to POST * api: sorting by column is no longer supported with Redis and Stub State Backends `0.38.1`_ -- 2021-09-16 ----------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * catch_error: the CatchError on_failure option can now be a Message when passed to message options `0.38.0`_ -- 2021-09-14 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * actor: add the possibility of passing several additional queues to the actor, and then of choosing which one of those queue to enqueue to when sending a message. `0.37.2`_ -- 2021-09-14 ----------------------- Fixed ^^^^^ * scheduler: add lock to scheduler sync_config function `0.37.1`_ -- 2021-09-13 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * exceptions: add exception chaining `0.37.0`_ -- 2021-09-09 ----------------------- BREAKING CHANGE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * callbacks: remove the Callbacks Middleware * catch_error: rename option from cleanup_actor to on_failure Changed ^^^^^^^ * catch_error: add the CatchError middleware to the default middlewares `0.36.1`_ -- 2021-09-09 ----------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * broker: removed default_after and default_before and replaced them with a list that determines the middleware order `0.36.0`_ -- 2021-09-03 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * max_tasks: added new middleware MaxTasks that enables stopping a worker after processing a set amount of tasks `0.35.0`_ -- 2021-09-02 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * catch_error: added new middleware CatchError that enables enqueuing an actor when a message fails and won't be retried `0.34.2`_ -- 2021-09-02 ----------------------- Fixed ^^^^^ * scheduler: Make tests use conftest fixtures Added ^^^^^ * scheduler: added stop function that will stop the scheduler at the end of its cycle `0.34.1`_ -- 2021-08-31 ----------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * results: added default_timeout argument to Result Backend to allow setting the default result timeout `0.34.0`_ -- 2021-08-20 ----------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * retries: `max_retries` parameter is now also taken into account when using `retry_when` parameter `0.33.2`_ -- 2021-08-19 ----------------------- Fixed ^^^^^^^ * retries: fix exponent computing `0.33.1`_ -- 2021-08-19 ----------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * state: rename State attribute 'name' with more explicit name 'status' `0.33.0`_ -- 2021-08-16 ----------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * logging_metadata: adds a new middleware which enables passing logging metadata into the message and generating this metadata by passing a callback function that returns the metadata `0.32.0`_ -- 2021-08-13 ----------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * retries: adds the possibility of choosing between multiple backoff strategies `0.31.4`_ -- 2021-08-09 ----------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * api: adds option route which sends the list of available options * api: searches using the /messages/states now include the args, kwargs and options values * api: the /actors route now sends the actors' arguments as well `0.31.3`_ -- 2021-08-06 ----------------------- Fixed ^^^^^ * time-limit: use background thread instead of signals `0.31.2`_ -- 2021-08-03 ----------------------- Fixed ^^^^^ * main: only log info when worker has stopped `0.31.1`_ -- 2021-07-28 ----------------------- Fixed ^^^^^ * include messages with values evaluated as false in sort_dict return data `0.31.0`_ -- 2021-07-26 ----------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * Middleware : The value of all broker and middleware options are now obtained with the middleware get_option_value method * Middleware : The value returned is from higher to lower priority : message option, actor decorator option, broker option and default value. * Middleware : It is now possible to send any option with either message, actor or broker when it makes sense `0.30.6`_ -- 2021-07-23 ----------------------- Fixed ^^^^^ * Doc: fix doc requirements `0.30.5`_ -- 2021-07-21 ----------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * Doc: add getting started `0.30.4`_ -- 2021-07-09 ----------------------- Fixed ^^^^^ * Doc: fix all build errors Changed ^^^^^^^ * add type hints `0.30.3`_ -- 2021-05-20 ----------------------- Fixed ^^^^^ * Prometheus: initialise message_start_times in each thread `0.30.2`_ -- 2021-05-20 ----------------------- Broken do not use ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Fixed ^^^^^ * Prometheus: wrong usage of threading.local `0.30.1`_ -- 2021-05-20 ----------------------- Broken do not use ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Fixed ^^^^^ * Prometheus: initialize labels at worker boot and only if not None `0.30.0`_ -- 2021-05-18 ----------------------- Broken do not use ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Changed ^^^^^^^ * Prometheus: message_duration is now a Summary * Prometheus: remove useless metrics * Prometheus: actor_name label can be overridden with prometheus_label argument of actor `0.29.1`_ -- 2021-05-14 ----------------------- Fixed ^^^^^ * State: avoid call to state_backend if state_ttl <= 0 `0.29.0`_ -- 2021-04-23 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Results: add possibility to set store_results at the message level `0.28.3`_ -- 2021-04-22 ----------------------- Fixed ^^^^^ * TimeLimit: add lock when accessing shared variable `0.28.2`_ -- 2021-04-20 ----------------------- Fixed ^^^^^ * Typing: fix typing for actor overload and add types for broker, result and scheduler `0.28.1`_ -- 2021-04-20 ----------------------- Fixed ^^^^^ * Typing: fix typing for group init and actor overload `0.28.0`_ -- 2021-04-19 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * ResultBackend: make it more resilient, retry if save fails `0.27.0`_ -- 2021-04-06 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Middleware: add MaxMemory which stop a worker if its amount of resident memory exceed max_memory `0.26.7`_ -- 2021-04-01 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Typing: add support for typing and several type hints `0.26.6`_ -- 2021-02-11 ----------------------- Fixed ^^^^^ * Result: catch when error cannot be serialized `0.26.5`_ -- 2020-12-04 ----------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * Logging: only log a warning when a message will be retried `0.26.4`_ -- 2020-11-26 ----------------------- Dependencies ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * update ``pytz`` `0.26.3`_ -- 2020-11-12 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Worker: add exception name to ``Failed to process message`` log. `0.26.2`_ -- 2020-11-04 ----------------------- Fix ^^^ * Priority: actor.priority is now used if priority is not present in message.options `0.26.1`_ -- 2020-10-27 ----------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * Prometheus: add a registry parameter `0.26.0`_ -- 2020-10-26 ----------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * |TimeLimit|: Replace SIGKILL with regular sys.exit and make this behavior disabled by default * Rabbitmq: reconnect on connection error with exponential back-off * Prometheus: add remoulade_worker_busy metric `0.25.1`_ -- 2020-09-04 ----------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * Logs: Add truncated args and kwargs to ``Started Actor`` log. `0.25.0`_ -- 2020-09-03 ----------------------- BREAKING CHANGE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Remoulade now use only use one process (and remove watch feature), remove ``--proccess`` options and ``--watch`` option. Added ^^^^^ * |TimeLimit|: send SIGKILL after delay (default: 10s) if exception fails Changed ^^^^^^^ * Allow more recent version of ``pytz`` `0.24.0`_ -- 2020-08-19 ----------------------- BREAKING CHANGE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * allow 0 as remoulade_restart_delay env variable, which will disable consumer restart in case on connection error and return a RET_CONNECT error code (default is now 0) `0.23.0`_ -- 2020-08-05 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Class |MessageSchema| to load the data sent to enqueue a message. * Attribute to the class |State| - ``group_id`` * GET methods to ``api`` - url ``/actors``: get declared ``actors`` - url ``/groups``: get declared ``groups`` - schema |PageSchema| - url ``/messages/results/``: get the results of a ``given message_id`` - if the result is bigger than ``max_size`` defined in ``get_results`` return a empty string. - url ``/messages/requeue/``: requeue a message asociated with a message_id - Requeue messages associated with a ``pipe_target`` is not support yet. * Method ``as_dict`` to class |Actor|. * Error |NoScheduler| raised when is tried to get an scheduler and there is not. * Error Handler in case of |NoScheduler| * Schema |PageSchema| to load the arguments send to ``messages/state`` * Method ``as_dict`` of |State| can receive keyword ``exclude_keys:tuple`` to exclude some keys from serialization Changed ^^^^^^^ * ``hmset`` to ``hset`` in class |RedisResBackend| as the former is deprecated, this requires at least Redis 4.0.0 and at least redis-py 3.5.0 * Method ``api`` ``get_states`` now - can receive arguments defined in schema |PageSchema| * ``search_value`` * ``sort_column`` a column defined in |State|, this column must be sortable * ``sort_direction`` possible values: ``['asc', 'desc']``, the order you want to get the register * ``size_page`` default ``100``: number of messages you want to retrieve - if ``search_value`` is defined the ``search_keys`` is a ``list`` declared in ``remoulade.api.main.py``. The current supported columns to search are ``["message_id", "name", "actor_name", "args", "kwargs"]`` Fix ^^^^^ * make ``max_size`` an argument of |StateBackend| and fix its behavior `0.22.0`_ -- 2020-06-04 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Attributes to the class |State| - ``actor_name(str)`` - ``priority(int)`` - ``enqueued_datetime(date)`` - ``started_datetime(date)`` - ``end_datetime(date)`` - ``progress`` * Use of ``pipelines`` in ``get_state`` and ``set_state`` for |RedisResBackend| * Url to ``api`` to get all scheduled jobs - url ``/scheduled/jobs`` * Method ``set_progress`` in Class |Message|, the progress is update using ``set_state`` of Classes type |StateBackend| * |InvalidProgress| raised when is tried to set a progress less than 0 or greater than 1 * POST method to ``api`` to enqueue a message - url ``/messages`` Changed ^^^^^^^ * Signature ``asdict`` of Class |State| to ``as_dict`` * Location of ``_encoded_dict`` and ``_decoded_dict``, now is in the class |StateBackend| * ``set`` to ``hmset`` in class |RedisResBackend| * Behaviour of ``set_state`` of classes type ``StateBackend``. If the message_id does not exist, a new register is created, if not it updates the fields in the state, without deleting those who are not present. * Save the datetime for states - **Pending**, datetime of enqueued saved in ``enqueued_datetime`` - if **Started** datetime saved in ``started_datetime`` - if **Failure** datetime saved in ``end_datetime`` - if **Success** datetime saved in ``end_datetime`` * Allow to define States with `name=None`, to be able to update the `progress` without passing the name again `0.21.0`_ -- 2020-05-07 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Error |NoStateBackend| raised when is tried to access a |StateBackend| in a broker without it * Attribute ``messaged_id`` in Class |State| * Method ``get_states`` which returns the states storage in a |StateBackend| * Method ``get_state_backend`` in ``broker.py`` * Module ``api`` with methods to get the state of a message by HTTP request: - url ``/messages/states`` returns all states in the backend - url ``/messages/states?name=NameState`` returns all states in the backend whose state is equal to NameState, this should be defined in StateNamesEnum - url ``/messages/state/message_id`` return the state of a given ``message_id`` * Class |TestMessageStateAPI| responsible to test the API of |StateBackend| * Add **Flask** as an extra dependency * Add |CurrentMessage| Middleware that exposes the current message via a thread local variable, useful to access the message within the actor * Add |CurrentMessage| to the list of ``default_middleware`` * Add new POST method ``cancel_message`` in module ``api`` - url ``/messages/cancel/message_id`` `0.20.0`_ -- 2020-04-07 ----------------------- BREAKING CHANGE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * reduce: now take a `size` argument and a `merge_kwargs` argument. `size` determine the number of message that are taken at each reduce (merge) step and the `merge_kwargs` are the attributes that will be passed to the merge messages. Added ^^^^^ * StateNamesEnum (type :**Enum**) contains the possible states that can have a message: - **Started** a |Message| that has not been processed - **Pending** a |Message| that has been enqueued - **Skipped** a |Message| that has been skipped - **Canceled** a |Message| that has been cancelled - **Failure** a |Message| that has been processed and raise an **Exception** - **Success** a |Message| that has been processed and does not raise an **Exception** * Class |State| represents the current state of a message, the state is defined by: - **StateNamesEnum.name** the name of the state - args The arguments of the message, they are storage if they are less than MessageState.max_size - kwargs The keyword arguments of the message, they are storage if they are less than MessageState.max_size * Middleware |MessageState| used to update the state of a message in a Backend, the constructor receives - backend (type : |StateBackend|) - state_ttl - max_size * Abstract Backend |StateBackend| with methods |set_state| and |get_state| to set and get a |State| from the Backend * |RedisResBackend| and |StubBackend| (type :|StateBackend|) * |InvalidStateError| raised when is tried to create an Invalid State `0.19.0`_ -- 2019-01-31 ----------------------- BREAKING CHANGE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * result: when passing raise_on_error=False to a function to get a result (message, group, backend), the returned object in case of error is an instance of ErrorStored instead of the FailureResult singleton value. `0.18.3`_ -- 2019-01-29 ----------------------- Fix ^^^^^ * redis: result ttl was set to null when get_result was called with block=True and forget=True `0.18.2`_ -- 2019-01-24 ----------------------- Fix ^^^^^ * build: relax version limit on prometheus_client `0.18.1`_ -- 2019-12-30 ----------------------- Fix ^^^^^ * generic: Fix error when abstract=False `0.18.0`_ -- 2019-12-05 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * generic: allow Meta inheritance `0.17.0`_ -- 2019-08-22 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Rabbitmq: add dead_queue_max_length Fix ^^^ * Channel pool: use LIFO queue instead of FIFO queue `0.16.2`_ -- 2019-08-01 ----------------------- Fix ^^^ * Pipeline: build should be consistent `0.16.1`_ -- 2019-07-11 ----------------------- Fix ^^^ * Scheduler: put scheduler outside of main module `0.16.0`_ -- 2019-06-28 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Channel pool: prevent the opening of one channel per thread (`#91`_) `0.15.0`_ -- 2019-05-24 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Remoulade scheduler (`#86`_) `0.14.0`_ -- 2018-04-09 ----------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * Use (thread safe) amqpstorm_ instead of pika (`#77`_) Added ^^^^^ * Raise error when starting worker with LocalBroker (`#84`_) `0.13.0`_ -- 2018-03-20 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Add log on start/end of group completion Fix ^^^ * Store group message_ids in backend (`#79`_) `0.12.0`_ -- 2018-03-14 ----------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Log message args and kwargs in extra field when error Changed ^^^^^^^ * Local broker do not declare its middleware anymore `0.11.0`_ -- 2018-03-08 ----------------------- Remove ^^^^^^ * Cancelable option in |Cancel| and as actor option. `0.10.0`_ -- 2018-02-28 ----------------------- BREAKING CHANGE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * higher priorities are now processed before to be consistent with rabbimq Added ^^^^^ * Priority support in RabbitMQ broker * cancel method on |group| and |pipeline| * declare_actors helper function, which take a list of actors and declare it to the current broker Remove ^^^^^^ * ResultNotStored error (fix bug when store_results is set at middleware level) `0.9.0`_ -- 2018-01-18 ---------------------- Added ^^^^^ * |Cancel| middleware, and a |message_cancel| method to prevent processing of messages which have been enqueued * |cancel_on_error| which cancel all group members on member failure. `0.8.2`_ -- 2018-12-31 ---------------------- Fixed ^^^^^ * Workers wait for RMQ messages to be acked upon shutdown. * Pipelines no longer continue when a message is failed. `0.8.1`_ -- 2018-12-17 ---------------------- Fixed ^^^^^ * Declare queues on each ConnectionError even if the queue has already been declare (before a worker restart was needed if a queue was deleted) * RedisBackend.get_result saving a ForgottenResult every time `0.8.0`_ -- 2018-12-07 ---------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Added Result |completed| without needing to get the full result, also true with |completed_count|. Fixed ^^^^^ * Failure of children of pipeline when a message fail (in the case of pipeline of groups) `0.7.0`_ -- 2018-12-04 ---------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Support for |pipeline| with groups (result backend necessary for this) * Added group_id to |group| Changed ^^^^^^^ * Remove support for group of groups, a |group| take as input a |pipeline| or a message * |get_result_backend| now raise NoResultBackend if there is no |ResultBackend| * Merged PipelineResult and GroupResult into |CollectionResult| * |message_get_result| on forgotten results now returns None * Update redis-py to 3.0.1 `0.6.0`_ -- 2018-11-23 ---------------------- Fixed ^^^^^ * Better handling of RabbitMQ queue declaration (consumer will keep trying on ConnectionError) Changed ^^^^^^^ * Prevent access to |Message| result if the linked actor do not have store_results=True Added ^^^^^ * Add Prefetch multiplier to cli parameters `0.5.0`_ -- 2018-11-15 ---------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Added property result to |Message| (type: |Result|), and |pipeline| (type: PipelineResult) and results to |group| (type: GroupResults). These new Class get the all result linked logic (get instead of get_result) * Rename MessageResult to |Result| * Removed get_results from |Message|, |group| and |pipeline| (and all results related method like completed_count, ...). Use the new result property for |Message| and |pipeline|, and results for |group|. `0.4.0`_ -- 2018-11-15 ---------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * Rename FAILURE_RESULT to **FailureResult** (for consistency) Added ^^^^^ * Add MessageResult which can be created from a message_id and can be used to retrieved the result of the linked message Fixed ^^^^^ * Clear timer on before_process_stop `0.3.0`_ -- 2018-11-12 ---------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * |message_get_result| has a forget parameter, if True, the result will be deleted from the result backend when retrieved * Remove support for memcached * Log an error when an exception is raised while processing a message (previously it was a warning) `0.2.0`_ -- 2018-11-09 ---------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * |Results| now stores errors as well as results and will raise an |ErrorStored| the actor fail * |message_get_result| has a raise_on_error parameter, True by default. If False, the method return **FailureResult** if there is no Error else raise an |ErrorStored|. * |Middleware| have a ``default_before`` and ``default_after`` to place them by default in the middleware list * |Results| needs to be before |Retries| * **Prometheus** removed from default middleware `0.1.0`_ -- 2018-10-24 ---------------------- Added ^^^^^ * A |LocalBroker| equivalent to CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER. Changed ^^^^^^^ * Name of project to Remoulade (fork of Dramatiq v1.3.0) * Delete URLRabbitmqBroker * Delete RedisBroker * Set default max_retries to 0 * Declare RabbitMQ Queue on first message enqueuing Fixed ^^^^^ * pipe_ignore was not recovered from right message .. _amqpstorm: https://www.amqpstorm.io/ .. _#91: https://github.com/wiremind/remoulade/pull/91 .. _#86: https://github.com/wiremind/remoulade/pull/86 .. _#79: https://github.com/wiremind/remoulade/issues/79 .. _#84: https://github.com/wiremind/remoulade/issues/84 .. _#77: https://github.com/wiremind/remoulade/issues/77 .. _0.54.1: https://github.com/wiremind/remoulade/releases/tag/v0.54.1 .. _0.54.0: https://github.com/wiremind/remoulade/releases/tag/v0.54.0 .. _0.53.0: https://github.com/wiremind/remoulade/releases/tag/v0.53.0 .. _0.52.0: https://github.com/wiremind/remoulade/releases/tag/v0.52.0 .. _0.51.0: https://github.com/wiremind/remoulade/releases/tag/v0.51.0 .. _0.50.1: 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