Source code for remoulade.worker

# This file is a part of Remoulade.
# Copyright (C) 2017,2018 CLEARTYPE SRL <>
# Remoulade is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# Remoulade is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import logging
import os
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import chain
from queue import Empty, PriorityQueue
from threading import Event, Thread
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, DefaultDict, Dict, List

from .cancel import MessageCanceled
from .common import current_millis
from .errors import ActorNotFound, ConnectionError, RateLimitExceeded, RemouladeError
from .helpers import compute_backoff
from .helpers.queues import iter_queue, join_all, q_name
from .logging import get_logger
from .middleware import Middleware, SkipMessage

    from .message import Message

#: The number of try to restart consumers (with exponential backoff) after a connection error
#: 0 to disable consumer restart and exit with an error
CONSUMER_RESTART_MAX_RETRIES = int(os.getenv("remoulade_restart_max_retries", 10))

def build_extra(message, max_input_size: int = None):
    return {
        **message.options.get("logging_metadata", {}),
        "message_id": message.message_id,
        "input": {"args": str(message.args)[:max_input_size], "kwargs": str(message.kwargs)[:max_input_size]},

[docs]class Worker: """Workers consume messages off of all declared queues and distribute those messages to individual worker threads for processing. Workers don't block the current thread so it's up to the caller to keep it alive. Don't run more than one Worker per process. Parameters: broker(Broker) queues(Set[str]): An optional subset of queues to listen on. By default, if this is not provided, the worker will listen on all declared queues. worker_timeout(int): The number of milliseconds workers should wake up after if the queue is idle. worker_threads(int): The number of worker threads to spawn. prefetch_multiplier(int): The number of message to prefetch at a time, to be multiplied with the number of threads """ def __init__(self, broker, *, queues=None, worker_timeout=1000, worker_threads=8, prefetch_multiplier=2): self.logger = get_logger(__name__, type(self)) = broker if broker.local: raise RemouladeError("LocalBroker is not destined to be used with a Worker") self.consumers: Dict[str, _ConsumerThread] = {} if queues is None or len(queues) != 1: self.logger.warning( "You are listening on multiple queues, RMQ is adapted to single queue consuming only. " "It will work but you should consider using one worker per queue." ) self.consumer_whitelist = queues and set(queues) # Load a small factor more messages than there are workers to # avoid waiting on network IO as much as possible. The factor # must be small so we don't starve other workers out. self.queue_prefetch = min(worker_threads * max(prefetch_multiplier, 1), 65535) # Load a large factor more delay messages than there are # workers as those messages could have far-future etas. self.delay_prefetch = min(worker_threads * 1000, 65535) self.workers = [] # type: List self.work_queue = PriorityQueue() # type: PriorityQueue self.worker_timeout = worker_timeout self.worker_threads = worker_threads
[docs] def start(self): """Initialize the worker boot sequence and start up all the worker threads. """"worker_boot", self) worker_middleware = _WorkerMiddleware(self) for _ in range(self.worker_threads): self._add_worker()"worker_boot", self)
[docs] def pause(self): """Pauses all the worker threads.""" for child in chain(self.consumers.values(), self.workers): child.pause() for child in chain(self.consumers.values(), self.workers): child.paused_event.wait()
[docs] def resume(self): """Resumes all the worker threads.""" for child in chain(self.consumers.values(), self.workers): child.resume()
[docs] def stop(self, timeout=600000): """Gracefully stop the Worker and all of its consumers and workers. Parameters: timeout(int): The number of milliseconds to wait for everything to shut down. """"worker_shutdown", self)"Shutting down...") self.logger.debug("Stopping consumers and workers...") for thread in chain(self.workers, self.consumers.values()): thread.stop() join_all(chain(self.workers, self.consumers.values()), timeout) self.logger.debug("Consumers and workers stopped.") self.logger.debug("Requeueing in-memory messages...") messages_by_queue: "DefaultDict[str, List[Message]]" = defaultdict(list) for _, message in iter_queue(self.work_queue): messages_by_queue[message.queue_name].append(message) for queue_name, messages in messages_by_queue.items(): try: self.consumers[queue_name].requeue_messages(messages) except ConnectionError: self.logger.warning("Failed to requeue messages on queue %r.", queue_name, exc_info=True) self.logger.debug("Done requeueing in-progress messages.") self.logger.debug("Closing consumers...") for consumer in self.consumers.values(): consumer.close() self.logger.debug("Consumers closed.")"worker_shutdown", self)"Worker has been shut down.")
@property def consumer_stopped(self): return self.consumers and any(not consumer.is_alive() for consumer in self.consumers.values()) @property def worker_stopped(self): return self.workers and any(not worker.is_alive() for worker in self.workers)
[docs] def join(self): """Wait for this worker to complete its work in progress. This method is useful when testing code. """ while True: for consumer in self.consumers.values(): consumer.delay_queue.join() self.work_queue.join() # If nothing got put on the delay queues while we were # joining on the work queue then it should be safe to exit. # This could still miss stuff but the chances are slim. for consumer in self.consumers.values(): if consumer.delay_queue.unfinished_tasks: break else: if self.work_queue.unfinished_tasks: continue return
def _add_consumer(self, queue_name, *, delay=False): if queue_name in self.consumers: self.logger.debug("A consumer for queue %r is already running.", queue_name) return canonical_name = q_name(queue_name) if self.consumer_whitelist and canonical_name not in self.consumer_whitelist: self.logger.debug("Dropping consumer for queue %r: not whitelisted.", queue_name) return consumer = self.consumers[queue_name] = _ConsumerThread(, queue_name=queue_name, prefetch=self.delay_prefetch if delay else self.queue_prefetch, work_queue=self.work_queue, worker_timeout=self.worker_timeout, ) consumer.start() def _add_worker(self): worker = _WorkerThread(, consumers=self.consumers, work_queue=self.work_queue, worker_timeout=self.worker_timeout ) worker.start() self.workers.append(worker)
class _WorkerMiddleware(Middleware): def __init__(self, worker): self.logger = get_logger(__name__, type(self)) self.worker = worker def after_declare_queue(self, broker, queue_name): self.logger.debug("Adding consumer for queue %r.", queue_name) self.worker._add_consumer(queue_name) def after_declare_delay_queue(self, broker, queue_name): self.logger.debug("Adding consumer for delay queue %r.", queue_name) self.worker._add_consumer(queue_name, delay=True) class _ConsumerThread(Thread): def __init__(self, *, broker, queue_name, prefetch, work_queue, worker_timeout): super().__init__(daemon=True) self.logger = get_logger(__name__, "ConsumerThread(%s)" % queue_name) self.running = False self.paused = False self.paused_event = Event() self.consumer = None = broker self.prefetch = prefetch self.queue_name = queue_name self.work_queue = work_queue self.worker_timeout = worker_timeout self.delay_queue = PriorityQueue() # type: PriorityQueue def run(self): self.logger.debug("Running consumer thread...") self.running = True restart_consumer = CONSUMER_RESTART_MAX_RETRIES > 0 attempts = 0 while self.running: if self.paused: self.logger.debug("Consumer is paused. Sleeping for %.02fms...", self.worker_timeout) self.paused_event.set() time.sleep(self.worker_timeout / 1000) continue try: self.consumer = queue_name=self.queue_name, prefetch=self.prefetch, timeout=self.worker_timeout ) attempts = 0 for message in self.consumer: if message is not None: self.handle_message(message) elif self.paused: break self.handle_delayed_messages() if not self.running: break except ConnectionError as e: self.logger.warning("Consumer encountered a connection error: %s", e) self.delay_queue = PriorityQueue() if not restart_consumer: self.stop() except Exception: self.logger.critical("Consumer encountered an unexpected error.", exc_info=True) # Avoid leaving any open file descriptors around when # an exception occurs. self.close() if not restart_consumer: self.stop() # While the consumer is running (i.e. hasn't been shut down), # try to restart it with exponential backoff for CONSUMER_RESTART_MAX_RETRIES times if self.running and attempts <= CONSUMER_RESTART_MAX_RETRIES: attempts, delay = compute_backoff(attempts, min_backoff=2, max_backoff=60)"Restarting consumer in %0.2f seconds.", delay) self.close() time.sleep(delay) elif attempts >= CONSUMER_RESTART_MAX_RETRIES > 0: self.logger.error("Consumer could not reconnect after %d attempts", attempts) # If it's no longer running, then shut it down gracefully."consumer_thread_shutdown", self) self.logger.debug("Consumer thread stopped.") def handle_delayed_messages(self): """Enqueue any delayed messages whose eta has passed.""" for eta, message in iter_queue(self.delay_queue): if eta > current_millis(): self.delay_queue.put((eta, message)) self.delay_queue.task_done() break queue_name = q_name(message.queue_name) new_message = message.copy(queue_name=queue_name) del new_message.options["eta"] self.post_process_message(message) self.delay_queue.task_done() def handle_message(self, message): """Handle a message received off of the underlying consumer. If the message has an eta, delay it. Otherwise, put it on the work queue. """ try: if "eta" in message.options: self.logger.debug("Pushing message %r onto delay queue.", message.message_id)"delay_message", message) self.delay_queue.put((message.options.get("eta", 0), message)) else: actor = self.logger.debug("Pushing message %r onto work queue.", message.message_id) self.work_queue.put((-actor.priority, message)) except ActorNotFound: self.logger.error( "Received message for undefined actor %r. Moving it to the DLQ.", message.actor_name, exc_info=True, ) self.post_process_message(message) def post_process_message(self, message): """Called by worker threads whenever they're done processing individual messages, signaling that each message is ready to be acked or rejected. """ if message.failed: self.logger.debug("Rejecting message %r.", message.message_id)"nack", message) self.consumer.nack(message)"nack", message) else: self.logger.debug("Acknowledging message %r.", message.message_id)"ack", message) self.consumer.ack(message)"ack", message) def requeue_messages(self, messages): """Called on worker shutdown and whenever there is a connection error to move unacked messages back to their respective queues asap. """ self.consumer.requeue(messages) def pause(self): """Pause this consumer.""" self.paused = True self.paused_event.clear() def resume(self): """Resume this consumer.""" self.paused = False self.paused_event.clear() def stop(self): """Initiate the ConsumerThread shutdown sequence. Code calling this method should then join on the thread and wait for it to finish shutting down. """ self.logger.debug("Stopping consumer thread...") self.running = False def close(self): """Close this consumer thread and its underlying connection.""" try: if self.consumer: self.requeue_messages(m for _, m in iter_queue(self.delay_queue)) self.consumer.close() except ConnectionError: pass class _WorkerThread(Thread): """WorkerThreads process incoming messages off of the work queue on a loop. By themselves, they don't do any sort of network IO. Parameters: broker(Broker) consumers(dict[str, _ConsumerThread]) work_queue(Queue) worker_timeout(int) """ def __init__(self, *, broker, consumers, work_queue, worker_timeout): super().__init__(daemon=True) self.logger = get_logger(__name__, "WorkerThread") self.running = False self.paused = False self.paused_event = Event() = broker self.consumers = consumers self.work_queue = work_queue self.timeout = worker_timeout / 1000 def run(self): self.logger.debug("Running worker thread...") self.running = True while self.running: if self.paused: self.logger.debug("Worker is paused. Sleeping for %.02f...", self.timeout) self.paused_event.set() time.sleep(self.timeout) continue try: _, message = self.work_queue.get(timeout=self.timeout) self.process_message(message)"worker_thread_process_message", self) except Empty: continue"worker_thread_shutdown", self) self.logger.debug("Worker thread stopped.") def process_message(self, message): """Process a message pulled off of the work queue then push it back to its associated consumer for post-processing. Parameters: message(MessageProxy) """ try: extra = build_extra(message, 1000) self.logger.debug("Received message %s with id %r.", message, message.message_id, extra=extra)"process_message", message) res = None if not message.failed: res = self.call_actor(message)"process_message", message, result=res) except SkipMessage:"skip_message", message) except MessageCanceled:"message_canceled", message) except BaseException as e:"process_message", message, exception=e) finally: # NOTE: There is no race here as any message that was # processed must have come off of a consumer. Therefore, # there has to be a consumer for that message's queue so # this is safe. Probably. self.consumers[message.queue_name].post_process_message(message) self.work_queue.task_done() def call_actor(self, message): """Call an actor with the arguments stored in the message Handle the logging of the start/end of the actor with runtime measure Parameters: message(MessageProxy) Returns: Whatever the actor returns. """ actor ="actor_execution", message) start = time.perf_counter() try: return actor(*message.args, **message.kwargs) finally:"actor_execution", message, runtime=(time.perf_counter() - start) * 1000) def pause(self): """Pause this worker.""" self.paused = True self.paused_event.clear() def resume(self): """Resume this worker.""" self.paused = False self.paused_event.clear() def stop(self): """Initiate the WorkerThread shutdown process. Code calling this method should then join on the thread and wait for it to finish shutting down. """ self.logger.debug("Stopping worker thread...") self.running = False