Source code for remoulade.results.backend

# This file is a part of Remoulade.
# Copyright (C) 2017,2018 CLEARTYPE SRL <>
# Remoulade is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# Remoulade is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import asyncio
import time
from collections import namedtuple
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Type, Union

from ..encoder import Encoder
from ..helpers import compute_backoff
from .errors import ErrorStored, MessageIdsMissing, ResultMissing, ResultTimeout

#: The default timeout for blocking get operations in milliseconds.

#: The minimum amount of time in ms to wait between polls.

#: Canary value that is returned when a result hasn't been set yet.
class Missing:

#: A type alias representing backend results.
class BackendResult(namedtuple("BackendResult", ("result", "error", "forgot", "actor_name"))):
    def __new__(cls, *, result, error, forgot=False, actor_name=None):
        return super().__new__(cls, result, error, forgot, actor_name)

    def asdict(self):
        return self._asdict()

ForgottenResult = BackendResult(result=None, error=None, forgot=True, actor_name=None)

[docs]class ResultBackend: """ABC for result backends. Parameters: namespace(str): The logical namespace under which the data should be stored. encoder(Encoder): The encoder to use when storing and retrieving result data. Defaults to :class:`.JSONEncoder`. """ def __init__(self, *, namespace: str = "remoulade-results", encoder: Encoder = None, default_timeout: int = None): from ..message import get_encoder self.namespace = namespace self.encoder = encoder or get_encoder() self.default_timeout = default_timeout or DEFAULT_TIMEOUT def get_results( self, message_ids: List[str], *, block: bool = False, timeout: int = None, forget: bool = False, raise_on_error: bool = True, ) -> Iterable[BackendResult]: deadline = None if timeout: deadline = time.monotonic() + timeout / 1000 for message_id in message_ids: if deadline: timeout = max(0, int((deadline - time.monotonic()) * 1000)) yield self.get_result( message_id, block=block, timeout=timeout, forget=forget, raise_on_error=raise_on_error ) def get_result( self, message_id: str, *, block: bool = False, timeout: int = None, forget: bool = False, raise_on_error: bool = True, ) -> Any: """Get a result from the backend. Parameters: message_id(str) block(bool): Whether or not to block until a result is set. timeout(int): The maximum amount of time, in ms, to wait for a result when block is True. Defaults to 10 seconds. forget(bool): Whether or not the result need to be kept. raise_on_error(bool): raise an error if the result stored in an error Raises: ResultMissing: When block is False and the result isn't set. ResultTimeout: When waiting for a result times out. ErrorStored: When the result is an error and raise_on_error is True Returns: object: The result. """ message_key = self.build_message_key(message_id) end_time = self.get_end_time(timeout) attempts = 0 while True: result = self._get(message_key, forget) if result is Missing and block: delay = self.check_timeout(attempts, end_time, message_id) time.sleep(delay) elif result is Missing: raise ResultMissing(message_id) else: backend_result = BackendResult(**result) # type: ignore return self.process_result(backend_result, raise_on_error) async def async_get_result( self, message_id: str, *, timeout: int = None, forget: bool = False, raise_on_error: bool = True, ) -> BackendResult: message_key = self.build_message_key(message_id) end_time = self.get_end_time(timeout) attempts = 0 while True: result = self._get(message_key, forget) if result is Missing: delay = self.check_timeout(attempts, end_time, message_id) await asyncio.sleep(delay) else: backend_result = BackendResult(**result) # type: ignore return self.process_result(backend_result, raise_on_error) def check_timeout(self, attempts: int, end_time: float, message_id: str) -> float: attempts, delay = compute_backoff(attempts, min_backoff=BACKOFF_FACTOR) delay /= 1000 if time.monotonic() + delay > end_time: raise ResultTimeout(message_id) return delay def get_end_time(self, timeout: int) -> float: if timeout is None: timeout = self.default_timeout return time.monotonic() + timeout / 1000 @staticmethod def process_result(result: BackendResult, raise_on_error: bool): """Raise an error if the result is an error and raise_on_error is true Parameters: result(Result): the result retrieved from the backend raise_on_error(boolean): raise an error if the result stored in an error """ if result.error: error = ErrorStored(result.error) if raise_on_error: raise error return error return result.result def increment_group_completion(self, group_id: str, message_id: str, ttl: int) -> int: raise NotImplementedError(f"{type(self).__name__} does not implement increment_group_completion()") def store_result(self, message_id: str, result: BackendResult, ttl: int) -> None: """Store a result in the backend. Parameters: message_id(str) result(BackendResult): Must be serializable. ttl(int): The maximum amount of time the result may be stored in the backend for. """ return self.store_results([message_id], [result], ttl) def store_results(self, message_ids: Iterable[str], results: Iterable[BackendResult], ttl: int) -> None: """Store multiple results in the backend. Parameters: message_ids(Iterable[str]) results(BackendResult): Must be serializable. ttl(int): The maximum amount of time the result may be stored in the backend for. """ message_keys = [self.build_message_key(message_id) for message_id in message_ids] return self._store(message_keys, [r._asdict() for r in results], ttl) def forget_results(self, message_ids: List[str], ttl: int): """Forget the results associated to the given message_id""" result = ForgottenResult.asdict() message_keys = [self.build_message_key(message_id) for message_id in message_ids] self._store(message_keys, [result] * len(message_keys), ttl) def build_message_key(self, message_id: str) -> str: """Given a message, return its globally-unique key""" return f"{self.namespace}:{message_id}" def get_status(self, message_ids: Iterable[str]) -> int: """Given a list of messages ids return the number of messages with a result stored""" count = 0 for message_id in message_ids: message_key = self.build_message_key(message_id) result = self._get(message_key, forget=False) if result != Missing: count += 1 return count @staticmethod def build_group_message_id_key(group_id: str) -> str: return f"remoulade-group-message-ids:{group_id}" def set_group_message_ids(self, group_id: str, message_ids: Iterable[str], ttl: int): key = self.build_group_message_id_key(group_id) return self._store([key], [message_ids], ttl) def get_group_message_ids(self, group_id: str): key = self.build_group_message_id_key(group_id) message_ids = self._get(key) if message_ids is Missing: raise MessageIdsMissing(f"Couldn't find message_ids for group {group_id}") return message_ids def delete_group_message_ids(self, group_id: str): key = self.build_group_message_id_key(group_id) self._delete(key) @staticmethod def build_group_completion_key(group_id: str) -> str: return f"remoulade-group-completion:{group_id}" def delete_group_completion(self, group_id: str): key = self.build_group_completion_key(group_id) self._delete(key) def _get(self, message_key: str, forget: bool = False) -> Union[Type[Missing], Dict]: # pragma: no cover """Get a result from the backend. Subclasses may implement this method if they want to use the default, polling, implementation of get_result. """ raise NotImplementedError(f"{type(self).__name__} does not implement _get()") def _store(self, message_keys: Iterable[str], result: Any, ttl: int) -> None: # pragma: no cover """Store multiple results in the backend. Subclasses may implement this method if they want to use the default implementation of set_result. """ raise NotImplementedError(f"{type(self).__name__} does not implement _store()") def _delete(self, key: str) -> None: # pragma: no cover """Delete a key from the backend""" raise NotImplementedError(f"{type(self).__name__} does not implement _delete()") @contextmanager def retry(self, broker, message, logger): try: yield except: # noqa # If saving the result fail, we must retry the message else we have no way to know it's finished # We cannot use the retry middleware as it must be executed before the result middleware, # use a simplified one here retries = message.options.setdefault("retries_result_backend", 0) message.options["retries_result_backend"] = retries + 1 if retries < 3: logger.warning(f"Could not store result of {message}: retrying it", exc_info=True) _, backoff = compute_backoff(retries, min_backoff=500) # retry after 500ms, 1s, 2s broker.enqueue(message, delay=backoff) else: logger.error(f"Could not store result of {message}: retries exceeded", exc_info=True)