Source code for remoulade.encoder

# This file is a part of Remoulade.
# Copyright (C) 2017,2018 CLEARTYPE SRL <>
# Remoulade is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# Remoulade is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import abc
import json
import pickle
import warnings
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, get_type_hints

from typing_extensions import Annotated

    from pydantic import BaseConfig, BaseModel, TypeAdapter, ValidationError, WithJsonSchema, create_model
    from simplejson.decoder import JSONDecoder
    from simplejson.encoder import JSONEncoder as _JSONEncoder
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
        "Pydantic and simplejson are not available.  Run `pip install remoulade[pydantic]`",

from .errors import ActorNotFound

#: Represents the contents of a Message object as a dict.
MessageData = Dict[str, Any]

[docs]class Encoder(abc.ABC): """Base class for message encoders."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def encode(self, data: MessageData) -> bytes: # pragma: no cover """Convert message metadata into a bytestring.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def decode(self, data: bytes) -> MessageData: # pragma: no cover """Convert a bytestring into message metadata.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class JSONEncoder(Encoder): """Encodes messages as JSON. This is the default encoder.""" def encode(self, data: MessageData) -> bytes: return json.dumps(data, separators=(",", ":")).encode("utf-8") def decode(self, data: bytes) -> MessageData: return json.loads(data.decode("utf-8"))
[docs]class PickleEncoder(Encoder): """Pickles messages. Warning: This encoder is not secure against maliciously-constructed data. Use it at your own risk. """ encode = pickle.dumps # type: ignore decode = pickle.loads # type: ignore
class PydanticEncoder(Encoder): """PydanticEncoder remoulade encoder working with Pydantic schemas (install remoulade[pydantic] extra dependency) With this encoder you must use only Pydantic schema as inputs/outputs of the actors and type them explicitly. class MyActorInputSchema(BaseModel): ... class MyActorOutputSchema(BaseModel): ... def my_actor(input_1: MyActorInputSchema, input_2: MyActorInputSchema | None = None) -> MyActorOutputSchema: ... return MyActorOutputSchema() """ def __init__(self, fallback_encoder: Optional[Encoder] = None): self.fallback_encoder = fallback_encoder self.json_encoder = _JSONEncoder(default=self.default) self.json_decoder = JSONDecoder() @staticmethod def default(o): if isinstance(o, BaseModel): # keep dict otherwise it will be serialized as a string (see Pydantic .json()) return json.loads(o.model_dump_json()) raise TypeError("Object of type %s is not JSON serializable" % o.__class__.__name__) def encode(self, data: MessageData) -> bytes: try: return self.json_encoder.encode(data).encode("utf-8") except Exception as e: if self.fallback_encoder is not None: return self.fallback_encoder.encode(data) else: raise e def decode(self, data: bytes) -> MessageData: from remoulade import get_broker try: raw_message = self.json_decoder.decode(data.decode("utf-8")) # type: ignore actor_name = raw_message["actor_name"] actor_fn = get_broker().get_actor(actor_name).fn # Retrieve the Pydantic schemas from typing schemas_by_param_name = {} for param_name, type_hint in get_type_hints(actor_fn).items(): schemas_by_param_name[param_name] = TypeAdapter( Annotated[ type_hint, WithJsonSchema( {"type": type_hint, "description": f"{param_name}_schema"}, mode="serialization" ), ] ) # Override message_data with Pydantic schema when it matches parsed_message: Dict[str, Any] = {} for key, values in raw_message.items(): if key == "kwargs": assert isinstance(values, dict) parsed_message[key] = { param_name: schemas_by_param_name[param_name].validate_python(raw_value) for param_name, raw_value in values.items() } elif key == "args": assert isinstance(values, list) schemas = list(schemas_by_param_name.values()) parsed_message[key] = [ schemas[order].validate_python(raw_value) for order, raw_value in enumerate(values) ] elif key == "result": parsed_message[key] = schemas_by_param_name["return"].validate_python(values) else: parsed_message[key] = values return parsed_message except Exception as e: if self.fallback_encoder is not None: return self.fallback_encoder.decode(data) else: raise e